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Webinar: Low FODMAP diet phase 1

Learn how to start a diet

The low FODMAP diet is recommended for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and for SIBO patients who have just finished antibiotic therapy.

It can bring amazing results for people with irritable bowel syndrome and SIBO, but using it is not an easy task. To help you get through the most difficult steps, use my webinar, from which you will learn how to start implementing a low FODMAP diet in your life, how to plan a menu, what supplements are recommended.

Watch my webinar video

What will you learn from the webinar?

Image by Marissa Grootes

How to start a low FODMAP diet? What are the stages?

How to plan meals to avoid deficiencies?

Image by Julia Zolotova

What supplements and medications are recommended for IBS?

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

How long does it take to see results? What mistakes should you watch out for?

download low fodmap tables pdf.png
Image by Nadia Kishilova

How to Read Product Lists

and the Monash app?

What other ways will reduce IBS symptoms?

Image by Jessica Pamp

I will answer your questions during Q&A on May 30th!

What do you get in the package?

the opportunity to ask a question during Q&A live

webinar recording available for 3 months

materials: key slides and a 1-day sample low FODMAP menu

Who is running the webinar?

Joanna Marciszewska, M.A., clinical dietitian

  • Specialist in low FODMAP diet , SIBO therapy, IBS and gastrointestinal complaints

  • Over 6 years of experience in dietary work with patients

  • She completed a research internship in the United States at a cancer treatment center.

  • She has completed over 25 courses on specialist diets.

  • She has written over 200 articles on diet topics, including for Medonet and Dietly.

  • He has been running webinars on the low FODMAP diet for 3 years.


This is the 3rd year of webinars on the low FODMAP diet!

All webinars so far have been rated 5/5! See what opinions participants of previous editions have given on Google:

Take advantage of your experience and knowledge - start a low FODMAP diet with the help of a webinar! Even if you can't join live on May 30, it doesn't matter - you will receive the full recording and materials.

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